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Service Description: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides healthcare services to its veterans across the USA including territories and possessions. Healthcare services are delivered through 21 geographically divided administrative areas called Veterans Integrated Services Networks (VISN). Each VISN contains a number of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) health care delivery sites. Key information about these sites is created and maintained in the Veterans Affairs Site Tracking (VAST) database, which serves as the official repository of data on the number and location of VHA's sites of health care delivery including medical centers, hospitals, nursing homes, domiciliary residential rehabilitation treatment programs, outpatient clinics, and vet centers. The original VAST database was created by the Planning Systems Support Group (PSSG) in 1999 and it is updated on a continuous basis. This dataset provides a spatial representation of the information contained in the VAST database at the publication date. The key attribute in this data set is STA_NO which is defined as a string of 3-7 characters with unique alphanumeric combinations for each site. If the string is only 3 characters, it is designated as a parent facility. If the string is 5 characters long, the first 3 characters refer to its parent facility and the last 2 characters designate it is a Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) or other supporting health care delivery site to a parent facility. If the string is 7 characters long, the first 3 are for its parent facility, the next 2 designate it as a supporting health care delivery site, and the last 2 characters designate it as a satellite or an additional access point for the supporting health site. Example: '402' is a parent facility in Maine. '402HB' is an associated CBOC located in a different town in Maine. '402HB01' stands for a satellite clinic also in a different town that is associated with the parent facility's CBOC. For additional data definition see:
All Layers and Tables
Has Versioned Data: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
Supported Query Formats: JSON
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Service Item Id: 909bee96cdf845d298c518cb205799f2
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent:
XMin: -109.79384186104254
YMin: 31.32043035570804
XMax: -87.03250792619845
YMax: 42.7783067326784
Spatial Reference: 4326
Full Extent:
XMin: -170.71861841437226
YMin: -14.328210286564156
XMax: 145.7293879145878
YMax: 64.84241416684829
Spatial Reference: 4326
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Document Info:
Title: Veterans Health Administration Health Care Facilities
Comments: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides healthcare services to its veterans across the USA including territories and possessions. Healthcare services are delivered through 21 geographically divided administrative areas called Veterans Integrated Services Networks (VISN). Each VISN contains a number of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) health care delivery sites. Key information about these sites is created and maintained in the Veterans Affairs Site Tracking (VAST) database, which serves as the official repository of data on the number and location of VHA's sites of health care delivery including medical centers, hospitals, nursing homes, domiciliary residential rehabilitation treatment programs, outpatient clinics, and vet centers. The original VAST database was created by the Planning Systems Support Group (PSSG) in 1999 and it is updated on a continuous basis. This dataset provides a spatial representation of the information contained in the VAST database at the publication date. The key attribute in this data set is STA_NO which is defined as a string of 3-7 characters with unique alphanumeric combinations for each site. If the string is only 3 characters, it is designated as a parent facility. If the string is 5 characters long, the first 3 characters refer to its parent facility and the last 2 characters designate it is a Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) or other supporting health care delivery site to a parent facility. If the string is 7 characters long, the first 3 are for its parent facility, the next 2 designate it as a supporting health care delivery site, and the last 2 characters designate it as a satellite or an additional access point for the supporting health site. Example: '402' is a parent facility in Maine. '402HB' is an associated CBOC located in a different town in Maine. '402HB01' stands for a satellite clinic also in a different town that is associated with the parent facility's CBOC. For additional data definition see: <a href="" title="mapservices"></a>.
Subject: This dataset was created to geospatially account for all VHA approved health care delivery sites in the VAST database.
AntialiasingMode: null
TextAntialiasingMode: null
Enable Z Defaults: false
Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: false
Support True Curves : true
Only Allow TrueCurve Updates By TrueCurveClients : false
Supports Return Service Edits Option : true
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Child Resources:
Query Data Elements
Supported Operations:
Query Contingent Values
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